If your total order meets or exceeds $400, you qualify for free standard shipping and your cart will be updated automatically. This offer is valid for orders shipped to addresses in the contiguous United States only. A flat-rate shipping charge will be applied to orders less than $400.
Order Total | Flat-Rate Shipping Fee |
0 - $100 | $20 |
$100 - $200 | $40 |
$200 - $300 | $60 |
$300 - $400 | $80 |
The minimum purchase amount for each shipping offer does not include tax.
Unfortunately, due to uncertainties and inconsistencies in today's business supply chain, EasyGarage does not guarantee shipment timelines. During the checkout process, the ship date shown for your order is an ESTIMATED date. You may also choose to have your project placed on hold and shipped up to 30 days after your order date during checkout.
Again, we are not responsible for delivery dates. The date given to you by your sales designer is the ESTIMATED shipping date from our warehouse, not the delivery date. Delivery dates to your home address by UPS or third-party freight carriers vary due to geography and local conditions. If you have additional questions, please consult with your sales designer or call 1.800.218.2492 for more information. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Orders are shipped via standard ground service (Monday-Friday) by UPS or EasyGarage preferred freight carrier depending on the size and weight of the items ordered. The shipping method for your order will be noted in the checkout page. If you live in an urban area and reside in a high-rise building, please call you EasyGarage designer directly or customer service at 1.800.218.2492 before submitting your online order to confirm the proper delivery method for your home. We use a robust packaging system and pack orders by similar sizes and components to ensure your EasyGarage solution arrives safe and sound. Boxes are clearly labeled for easy installation.
Expedited shipping is not available at this time. However, our fast manufacturing allows you to receive your order quickly and avoid unnecessary charges from expedited shipping.
No, we do not accept or ship any orders to addresses (commercial or residential) outside the contiguous United States. Due to documentation restrictions, we do not contract with freight forwarding companies at this time.
The map below indicates the estimated travel time in business days from the ship date to arrival date, and may be affected by holidays.
To make sure orders that are too large to ship via UPS receive safe and reliable delivery, we partner with a freight carrier who specializes in shipping large parcels.
Indicated below are estimated travel times in business days from the manufacturer to the freight carrier’s terminal. Travel times may be extended due to holidays or special events.
Once your shipment arrives at the freight carrier's terminal and is ready for delivery, our freight partner will contact you at the phone number you provided when placing your order to schedule a delivery appointment to the final address.
Additional Freight Costs:
At EasyClosets, your initial purchase price includes the cost of manufacturing and free shipping (if the order is over $400) your project to the address provided to us. However, EasyClosets is not responsible for covering the cost of any additional white–glove services from the carrier or its sub-carriers. EasyClosets covers only the cost of curbside delivery, but the customer is responsible for any charges above and beyond curbside, e.g., physically bringing the product up to the home, or into the garage, etc.
Additionally, if the customer cannot accept a freight delivery to their place of residence and asks that the freight company hold their project in storage or change the delivery address, the customer will also be responsible for those charges. Generally, freight depots will charge a daily fee to hold projects for up to 30 days. If, after discussing the matter with our customer service department, a customer does decide to take advantage of either a white-glove service or storage of their order, the customer will know in advance the daily charge for storage and any other additional service (if it is available in their area). In each case, the credit card on file with EasyClosets will be charged for the additional service.
For any additional questions on this matter please call Customer Service at 800.218.2492, thank you.
This will send the customer an email notification with a link to the proposal
within their MY PROPOSALS tab in their account.
This will resend the customer an email notification with a link to the proposal
within their MY PROPOSALS tab in their account.
Proposal # sent to
This cannot be undone.
This cannot be undone.
This cannot be undone.
This cannot be undone.
This cannot be undone.
You will now be taken to our design tool where you can edit a copy of this package.
Please note that once you are done the saved package can be found in MY PACKAGES
If you would like another proposal sent to you, give us a call at:
Please replace the following products and features before checking out.
Some of your designs require additional confirmation before checking out.